Are You Suffering From Any of These Symptoms as a Result of Tinnitus? Call Today for a Consultation. ■ Mild to severe anxiety ■ Depression ■ Insomnia ■ Negative thinking ■ Triggered fight or flight ■ Crying spells ■ Hopelessness ■ Ringing in the ears ■ Suicidal thoughts Are you growing more isolated? Do you… Continue Reading

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The Leading Cause of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a complex and unbearable neurological condition. Several factors can lead to the development of this debilitating disease; a lot of them are physical while some are caused because of morbidity syndrome. There is plenty of research going on to determine the prevalence of tinnitus in specific age-groups, but the cited documentation does not… Continue Reading

Can Clubbing Cause Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a perception of a ringing noise in your ears. A fairly common problem, it is observed to affect one in five people. It cannot be classified as a medical condition in itself; however, it can be an indication of underlying health problems. Although tinnitus is a generally uncomfortable condition it is not necessarily… Continue Reading

Avoid These Foods for Tinnitus Relief

We all know tinnitus is the unbearable ringing sensation and their cases have been drastically increasing due to many factors. Various studies have been stated this condition as incurable although some of the research has stated the remedial measures to overcome this illness. Though it is true that you cannot completely cure your ringing sensation,… Continue Reading

The Foremost Symptoms Of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a disorder where you experience ringing in your head or ears while there is no external sound or noise present. You hear noises on either intermittent or continuous basis. The sound keeps on fluctuating in your eardrums. The types of sounds heard can vary significantly and the annoying noises can exacerbate the symptoms.… Continue Reading

Risk Factors for Tinnitus That You Can Control

Are you feeling ringing or abnormal sound in your ear? Then I regret telling you that you have developed the prominent symptoms of tinnitus. People are more susceptible towards tinnitus if they have long-term exposure to a loud workplace, a frequent sufferer of depression & stress and those who are an active musician. Here are… Continue Reading

Relationship between Tinnitus and Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can occur due to many different reasons, and that can be of various frequencies and wavelengths. The hearing disorder cannot last long – if inner ear doesn’t experience any major injury of small and narrow frequency but the situation is reversed in case of tinnitus. This could mean that in tinnitus, ranges of… Continue Reading

How you can Train your Brain to Ignore Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a noise only you can hear, it can extremely pestering and can become unbearable at times. However, if it is not an indication of an underlying problem (which you can determine by visiting an LCSW-R provider), then you can train your brain to ignore it. Loud music/ noise higher than 100 dB can… Continue Reading

Busting the Common Myths about Tinnitus

Millions of people out there affected by the annoying tinnitus and develop anxiety and stress issues. Unfortunately, they have failed to discover the idea of treating tinnitus because of misconceptions. There are varies friction stories that restrict them from availing effective preventive measures. Myth: Tinnitus Cannot Cure It’s a fact that tinnitus is not a… Continue Reading

Flying with Tinnitus? Here’s How to Cope

If you suffer with tinnitus and have a trip planned in the near future, then you should be reassured that most people with tinnitus do not suffer an adverse effect on their condition when flying. In the unlikely situation that flying in an airplane does worsen your tinnitus, it’s most likely that these effects will… Continue Reading

7 Uncommonly Known Facts About Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a condition of the ear which usually manifests itself as sounds which are not coming from the external environment. People who suffer from this condition may experience hearing a buzzing, humming, ringing, or hissing sound in their ears. We’ve got the facts about this condition. #1. Noises in the Head: In general, tinnitus… Continue Reading

The Best Holistic Treatments for Curing Tinnitus

Do you suffer from a ringing in the ears that’s happening all too often? If so, then there’s a chance that you’re suffering from tinnitus – but don’t worry, since there are several natural treatment options out there which can help. Most experts view tinnitus as a condition which causes ringing in the ears, however,… Continue Reading

Can Acupuncture Aid with Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a perception of sound in the ear which does not originate from the external environment, from within the body, or from hallucinations. As many as 18% of the general population living in industrialized countries suffer from this condition, with 0.5% of patients reporting that tinnitus has a major effect on their ability to… Continue Reading

The Link Between Tinnitus and Meniere’s Disease

Persistent tinnitus, or a ringing in the ears, is normally accompanied by hearing loss. However, most of the time, it can also have its own set of causes. In the case of patients who are suffering with the symptoms of Meniere’s Disease, including a loss of balance and problems with hearing, tinnitus can be both… Continue Reading

Tinnitus: Is There a Cure?

Tinnitus is a condition that is mainly characterized by hearing ringing, buzzing, humming or hissing sounds in the ear that are not coming from the external environment. Although there is not usually a quick fix for tinnitus, unless it is caused by an easily treatable condition such as a middle ear infection or build-up of… Continue Reading

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is the term used to describe hearing sounds from inside your body, rather than from an external source. In most cases, tinnitus is characterized as a ringing sound inside the ears, although patients with this condition often report hearing several different sounds, including buzzing, grinding, hissing, whistling, and humming sounds. Some patients can hear… Continue Reading

Pulsatile Tinnitus Treatment

Pulsatile tinnitus refers to a sound that is generated in the ears as a result, usually, of blood flow problems. This causes the sound to vary with your heartbeat. Dr. Stephen Geller Katz a top Manhattan tinnitus treatment psychotherapist, explains that your pulsatile tinnitus may occur in only one ear. “Although it is sometimes difficult to… Continue Reading

Natural Treatment of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a very common symptom that consists of a roaring or ringing sound in the ears. It affects people differently, and treatment may depend upon the cause. However, in many cases, the cause can’t be firmly established, and Dr. Stephen Geller Katz, a leading New York City tinnitus treatment psychotherapist, says  some treatments are helpful… Continue Reading

Tinnitus Cognitive Center™ Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R 19 West 34th Street Penthouse Floor New York, NY 10001 Call Today for a Consultation 646-213-2321 Convenient Online Sessions Dr. Katz Speaks 5 languages View Larger Map Continue Reading