Are You Suffering From Any of These Symptoms as a Result of Tinnitus? Call Today for a Consultation. ■ Mild to severe anxiety ■ Depression ■ Insomnia ■ Negative thinking ■ Triggered fight or flight ■ Crying spells ■ Hopelessness ■ Ringing in the ears ■ Suicidal thoughts Are you growing more isolated? Do you… Continue Reading

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Breakthroughs in Tinnitus Treatment

Breakthroughs in tinnitus treatment continue to offer people suffering from this condition a way out of pain and frustration. Dr. Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R’s groundbreaking tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy. Researchers found other methods for treatment, but cognitive retraining remains the most effective means for dealing with symptoms. What breakthroughs have been made in Tinnitus treatment?… Continue Reading

Cognitive Retraining Therapy for Tinnitus

Cognitive retraining helps those affected with tinnitus cope with the side effects by dealing with reactions to related symptoms. The Tinnitus Cognitive Center can help you to learn how to deal with your condition. Cognitive Retraining. Can it help cure my Tinnitus? There is no known cure for tinnitus. The inner ear cannot be repaired… Continue Reading

The Future of Treating Tinnitus

The future of treating tinnitus grows brighter every year. After gradual acceptance among audiologists, the condition is now well known and even being worked on by the major hearing aid companies. The Tinnitus Cognitive Center can help you grapple with your symptoms and improve quality of life with our advanced cognitive retraining therapy. When did… Continue Reading

Psychotherapy for Tinnitus

Despite having no cure, there are ways to help cope using psychotherapy for tinnitus. The Tinnitus Cognitive Center under Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R provides a treatment that helps sufferers turn to normalcy. What psychotherapy treatments are available for Tinnitus? There are well-backed therapies to help deal with the symptoms of tinnitus. These therapies aim to… Continue Reading

Is Tinnitus a Symptom of Hearing Loss?

A question often asked is whether tinnitus a symptom of hearing loss?  While most commonly linked to hearing loss, tinnitus is not always directly related to hearing loss. Whether or not the condition results in hearing loss, it is currently incurable.  Clinics such as the tinnitus Cognitive Center can help you deal with the side effects.… Continue Reading

What is Audio Therapy for Tinnitus

Audio therapy for tinnitus uses real noise to treat your perception and reaction to Tinnitus. Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R uses sound therapy in his Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy to help patient’s deal with the pain, frustration, and anxiety of Tinnitus at the Tinnitus Cognitive Center. What is audio therapy for Tinnitus? Audio therapy is a… Continue Reading

Ringing in the Ears?

Ringing in the ears can border on painful. Victims of tinnitus experience a wide range of symptoms capable of jeopardizing hearing, employment, and even relationships. The tinnitus Cognitive Center can identify tinnitus and developed a therapy to help you control the effects of the condition. What are the symptoms of Tinnitus? Tinnitus is an audial… Continue Reading

The History of Identifying and Treating Tinnitus

The history of identifying and treating tinnitus goes as far back as ancient Rome and Greece. While some methods of the ancients were effective, more modern science led to treatments such as Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy developed at the Tinnitus Cognitive Center by Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R. Did the Romans and Greeks know about Tinnitus?… Continue Reading

What is Cognitive Retraining Therapy

Tinnitus is uncurable but cognitive retraining therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy can help. Stephen Geller Katz has 20 years of clinical experience, creating the Tinnitus Cognitive Retraining Therapy and the Tinnitus Cognitive Center to combat the growing number of people suffering from this condition. How does Tinnitus impact emotional health? Fifty percent of Tinnitus sufferers… Continue Reading

Types of Tinnitus

There are multiple different types of tinnitus. The Tinnitus Cognitive Center can help you discern a course of action for whichever form of tinnitus you are suffering. Are there different types of tinnitus? Tinnitus comes in different forms. Some of these types are related to how the body affects your symptoms. Pulsatile tinnitus is related… Continue Reading

Ginkgo for Tinnitus and why it doesn’t always work

Is taking ginko for tinnitus effective? Ginkgo is a deciduous Chinese tree related to the conifers, with fan-shaped leaves and yellow flowers. It has several primitive features and is like some Jurassic fossils. This tree is very controversial when it comes to tinnitus. Some people claim that ginkgo has cured them of tinnitus completely and… Continue Reading

Coping with Tinnitus

To live a fulfilling life, coping with tinnitus is necessary. Tinnitus can be very distressing if one does not know how to cope with it. There are a few things that studies have proven help patients cope with tinnitus from CBT to Masking devices. CBT is very helpful because it helps to retrain the way… Continue Reading

Tinnitus in Children

Tinnitus in Children Tinnitus in children can be a very daunting subject for parents. A few studies have examined the occurrence of tinnitus in children. Among children with hearing difficulties, tinnitus affects as many as 24 to 29 percent. Tinnitus may be caused by ear infections, noise exposure, and head injuries. It can be very… Continue Reading

Community for Sufferers of Tinnitus

Community for Sufferers of Tinnitus Community is very important for many reasons. It is important to know that you are not alone and that others understand your pain. Joining groups of people that get your pain can help to validate you and your experiences. Validation is very important especially with something like tinnitus because since… Continue Reading

Causes of Tinnitus

Causes of Tinnitus There are many causes of tinnitus and since there are so many different things that may have caused this issue it is best for you to consult with a doctor to get the best treatment. You can contact us for more details and to book an appointment. The causes of tinnitus are… Continue Reading

Tinnitus Treatment Options

Tinnitus Treatment There are many treatment options for tinnitus. Most should be performed by professionals only because tinnitus can be a sign of a deeper problem. If you are interested in the symptoms of this condition, please check out our article titled ‘’Symptoms of Tinnitus’’. Even if you suspect that you have this ailment it… Continue Reading

What Do Tinnitus Sufferers Have in Common

It is clear that tinnitus is the perception of sound and sufferer may hear varying degree of noises in the ear by different types of exposure. Some people may develop tinnitus by external exposure while others develop due to an underlying disorder, but there is no specific agenda behind this mystery. Whatever the reason you… Continue Reading

Types of Tinnitus Sounds

The tinnitus sounds can be of varying types. There is no specific guideline for recognition of tinnitus sounds. But according to the type of sound experience during tinnitus, various categories have been made to distinguish between different types of tinnitus. Tinnitus considered as the melodious sound in medical terminology. The common type of symptomatic sound… Continue Reading

How to Overcome Tinnitus

When you have tinnitus, existing environmental noises become more muddling – the ringing noises can be unbearable at times. This critical condition causes spontaneous and unusual sounds, produced in the eardrums. Doctors and audiologists have done many studies on such cases to determine the cause of tinnitus, but have not yet identified the principal cause… Continue Reading

Tinnitus Cognitive Center™ Stephen Geller Katz, LCSW-R 19 West 34th Street Penthouse Floor New York, NY 10001 Call Today for a Consultation 646-213-2321 Convenient Online Sessions Dr. Katz Speaks 5 languages View Larger Map Continue Reading