Tinnitus may be the type of condition that warrants medical help. Tinnitus, which is also known as a ringing in the ears, is not an uncommon condition. In some people, it becomes severe enough that it interferes with day to day life. When that happens, it can be time to turn to a trusted professional to learn more about the potential treatment options available to you. When you call our LCSW-R in New York City, you’ll learn more about tinnitus and what can be done about it. One of the ways that we can help you is by providing you with a range of treatments.
What Are Alternative Treatment Options?
The most common traditional medical treatments for tinnitus include the use of sound therapy and medications. However, many people are looking for a more holistic treatment plan and one that will provide better results for their needs. This is when you may want to consider alternative treatments. It is important to know that none of these treatments are going to cure the condition. And, some people may not see improvement from tinnitus from the use of them. Success depends on the underlying cause as well as the overall needs of the patient.
Nevertheless, there may be some help available to people who want to pursue alternative treatments for tinnitus. Some of those may include:
- Acupuncture – This treatment focuses on improving the flow of energy through the body and is based off of Ancient Chinese metho
ds. Many people find it can be beneficial to improving overall quality of life.
- Hypnosis – Since tinnitus can often result from the brain’s belief that sounds are present even when they are not, hypnosis may be a treatment option for some people.
- Supplements – There is some evidence that nutritional deficiencies can cause this condition. Some people may see the benefit of using these as a treatment as well. Some recommendations include B Vitamins, Zinc, and Ginkgo biloba. Speak to your doctor about these supplement options before you take them.
Alternative treatments for tinnitus can be helpful. However, your first step in treating this condition should be to seek out the help from a trusted LCSW-R in New York City. Let our team get a better understanding of what is causing your symptoms and what can be done about them. You may find that treatment for tinnitus is possible at restoring your quality of life.